Motivational Week Preview

31th August2013

Motivational Week Preview

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Your Past Is Not A Stain

19th August2013

Your Past Is Not A Stain

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When I was sixteen years old I knew I wanted to be a motivational speaker. I knew my story was unique and riveted deep into the souls of those who knew me. I wanted to take my past and the life I was choosing despite and put them together in one beautiful masterpiece that could be shared with


10th August2013


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My two boys have opposite reactions to food. My youngest will try anything! He has a very sensitive pallet at five years old and loves the taste of different foods. My older 7 year old is the opposite! He is the pickiest of the pickies!! Ha Ha In fact, here he is gladly devouring those sugar cookies I

The Original Night Bowling

09th August2013

The Original Night Bowling

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I'm bringing back an oldie from 2011. My glow in the dark night bowling!! Glow sticks in water bottles Line 'em up and knock 'em down! A basketball works great! Too much fun!!! Night bowling was a hit not only with my boys but the whole neighborhood. Now go try it before summer is over!