DIY Glow In The Dark Sprinklers

28th May2013

DIY Glow In The Dark Sprinklers

By with 13 Comments
Sounds so fun, right? :) It's super easy and cheap, too! Here's what you'll need to make your own glow-in-the-dark sprinkler! 1. An empty plastic bottle. 2. Duct tape 3. Glow sticks/necklaces 4. Knife and Craft Table or somewhere sturdy for poking holes. Can you tell in the picture below that my craft table is well used? :) First

10 Reasons I'm a Great Mom Challenge

27th May2013

10 Reasons I'm a Great Mom Challenge

By with 16 Comments
Why is it so hard to admit we're great at what we do? Moms give themselves more pressure and criticism than anyone in any work field. Raising kiddos is HARD, there's no denying that. So why do we make the job even harder by not giving ourselves credit where it's due? We worry instead of sleep, compare instead of empower,

Winner of My First Giveaway!!!

22th May2013

Winner of My First Giveaway!!!

By with 3 Comments
Thank you so much to everyone who entered. I'm excited to have new followers and hope you'll come back for all my future posts and more giveaways. I picked the winner using, and it's lucky #8!! The 8th person to comment was... The winner of the $100 Sephora Gift Card is Clare Martin!!!! Congratulations

DIY: Painted Piano

18th May2013

DIY: Painted Piano

By with 17 Comments
I'm one of those crazies that pretty much likes to paint everything. The walls, frames, canvas, my face....and now, the piano! :) We are one of the lucky families that got our piano for free from a family moving back to the mainland and generously wanted to give it away. I'm SO glad I just happened to be

Hike To Old Hawaiian Ruins

15th May2013

Hike To Old Hawaiian Ruins

By with 2 Comments
When you were a kid, did you ever have a place that was just yours? A place away from the rest of the world? Your very own secret place? I did! I had a few, all of them out in nature. I would have never guessed that as an adult, I would come upon another place like this. One of my

Riding The Catamaran Boats

13th May2013

Riding The Catamaran Boats

By with 8 Comments
So you're looking for the perfect place to watch the sunset on your vacation in Hawaii? I've got quite the experience for you! Taking a catamaran boat ride at sunset! Catamaran on Waikiki by Carl Shaneff Can purchase a print of this amazing photo here: You can find most of the catamaran experience contact information on the internet. Then you just make

My First Giveaway!

12th May2013

My First Giveaway!

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My First Giveaway! Image
I decided to end Mother's Day with my first giveaway! Here's what you could win.... A Sephora store gift card worth....drumroll.......$100!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't have a store near you? Don't worry because it is redeemable on Sephora's website! You could get something really nice for yourself with that much. Just think of the possibilities. Eyeshadows, lipsticks, glosses, skin care, perfumes,

You know you're a mom of boys when...

11th May2013

You know you're a mom of boys when...

By with 5 Comments
You know you're a mom of boys when... Image
I always read funny posts about what moms of boys see, hear, and say. Here are a few of my own . In honor of Mother's Day From a Mom of two boys, ages 5 & 7 Catagorized by See, Hear, and Say Hear: " need to be more responsible and do your duty."-DH   "Hee said

DIY Twin Bed Frame and Headboard

11th May2013

DIY Twin Bed Frame and Headboard

By with 14 Comments
For the longest time, I've kept my boys' mattresses on the floor for safety. My oldest son was a sleep walker until he turned 6 in 2012, and my youngest is a rolly polly sleeper and was constantly ending up on the floor. It worked well for us for a really long time and I didn't have to

Reupholstered Glider

11th May2013

Reupholstered Glider

By with 32 Comments
One of my favorite things to do is rock my boys. Yes, they are getting big, but they are still my babies. My glider was getting too disgusting to look at, so I hid it from sight for a while until I could get around to reupholstering it. This was something I had wanted to do for a